FACIAL WIPESTork Extra Soft Facial Wipes delivers first-class softness in a pretty, modern, flat box to provide comfort to your guests. The box with facial wipes fits the Tork Dispenser Facial wipes and can be placed where you need it.kr 49,00
MICROFIBER CLOTHFor cleaning of difficult areas such as corners, curves and rounded objects. The pads adjust the surface for best access.kr 34,50
HAND WIPES 2 LAYERTork Elevation series combines functionality with an excellent design, og provides a modern look to the bathroom.kr 1 400,00
HAND WIPESTork Xpress® Multifold Hand Dryer is excellent for environments that require high comfort and optimal hygiene; restaurants, office buildings and the health sector. Can be used to wipe glass and crockery for example.kr 1 260,00
HAND WIPES CRCCleaning of all kinds of surfaces, tools, hands, etc. Removing difficult contaminants, such as adhesive, gasket residue, bitumen, silicone, ink, oil, grease, lubricants, paint.kr 390,00