GENERATOR PETROL E 4000 SHHPIFor general use where there is a need for power/no AC power 17 400,00
GERERATOR PETROL ES 8000, PRATECFor general use where there is a need for power/no AC power 30 600,00
GENERATOR PETROL INVERTERA petrol-run generator with an inverter. It has a sandy sinusoidal curve which means it can used with all types of 23 300,00
GENERATOR PETROL INVERTERA petrol-run generator with an inverter. It has a sandy sinusoidal curve which means it can used with all types of 11 600,00
GENERATOR PETROL INVERTERA petrol-run generator with an inverter. It has a sandy sinusoidal curve which means it can used with all types of 9 100,00
ASSEMBLY GLOVE POWERFIT®, OEKO-TEX® 100 APPROVEDAssembly and finishing ; Metal fabrication ; Assembly of white goods ; General site & factory maintenance ; Warehouse work and general 69,00