DEBURRING WHEELS SERIES 1000 LONG LIFEFor deburring, adjustment of the surface and finishing. Can be used dry, wet or with oil. The slices are directional 9 is hard for deburring, 7 is more open for smoothening and finishing SF is fine, SM is Mediumkr 3 800,00
DEBURRING WHEELS DB-WLDeburring of the driving-/pistonrods before Chromating; Deburring of turbine blade, flat suspended parts, penetrations and machine parts, gears, pressured and molded parts, car parts and 2 500,00
GRINDING DISCS WITH VELCRO BACKING.Disc with Velcro fastening for wood grinding, car bodywork, all 17,50
BRUSH EXPANDING BD-ZBRemoval of thick coatings (color, rust, adhesives, glue, rubber, etc.), oxide removal, surface contamination, cleaning and removal of stains from 935,00
SCOTCH-BRITE BRISTEL DISC RD-ZBRemoval of thick coatings (discoloration, rust, styrofoam, glue, rubber, etc.), oxide removal, surface contamination, cleaning and removal of stains from weldingkr 570,00
BRUSHING AND POLISHING UNITIZED DISCSFinishing of stainless steel and metals. Accessories: Grinding 120,00
DIAMOND BLADES TURBO GRANITECutting of asphalt, fresh concrete, asphalt over concrete, abrasive 385,00
CUTTING DISC DIAMOND DSUniversal for all types of concrete, brick or for other more porous stone materials. Laserwelding segments, preventing heattransfer, as well as the quality and quantity of the diamond grains provides an optimal living and cutting 1 170,00
CUP GRINDER DIAMONDCG Slant for easier surface grinding. CG-Z new method of production that gives a longer lifetime. CG 2 Standard double 2 320,00
FIBER DISC 361FFor general grinding e.g. the removal of the defects, discoloration, rust and rough 24,50