FAN GRINDER KX300Aluminium oxide abrasive for use on various steels, non-ferrous metals and woodkr 98,00
SURFACE CONDITIONING DISC GB-DHRemoves discolouring and residual products, prepares the surface before treatment or painting, reduces imperfections after grinding. It can reduce scratches from disc etc to reduce the amount of sanding levels in 210,00
SCOTCH-BRITE SURFACE CONDITIONING DISC 3MRemoves any discoloration and remnants. Treatment and conditioning before the surface is treated or 81,00
SURFACE CONDITIONING DISC LL SC-DRRust removal and cleaning of flat metal parts, to remove stains and remaining sealing material, surface treatment after the removal of welds, before varnishing or paint, reduction of rough edges after 179,00
POLISHING AND DEBURRING DISC XL-DRBuffing and deburring of metals, plastics, composite materials, also removes the blue color of 199,00
POLERSKIVE FILT CDR 50mmApplication: Aluminium. Brass. Bronze. Cast steel. Cobalt-based alloys. Copper. Fibre-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP, CRP). Hardened, heat-treated steels over 1.200 N/mm² (< 38 HRC). Nickel-based alloys (e.g. Inconell and Hastelloy). Stainless steel (INOX). Steel materials with a hardness > 54 HRC. Steels up to 1,200 N/mm² (< 38 HRC). Thermoplastics. Titanium. Titanium alloys. 120,00
TENSION SCREW AND GRINDING RONDELL POLICLEAN ®Universal grinding on all materials such as rust, paint, putty or other surface ""jobs"".kr 271,00